zRID, the Zero-Volt solution for Welding Control.
The zRID is a new generation personal protection Deadman device, combining automated isolation switching and
hand-piece trigger switches.
This device complies with International Welding Standards IEC 60974.1-2012 and all relevant Standards that have
adopted it (ANSI, AS/NZ, SANS, CAN, EN).
.Clause 11.1.5b from IEC 60974.1-2012 under heading Rated no-load voltage states:
"Welding power sources shall be,
b) fitted with a protection system, which switches off the voltage at the output terminal within 0.3s and shall not be reset automatically."
Being a true Deadman Switch with the assurance that on breaking the weld, the electrode automatically
drops to zero-volts and cannot re-strike until re-initiated via the trigger.
A Deadman switch is defined as:
The trigger is the most successful hazard control device in history for human hand control.
Hazard Control,
The first step in the hierarchy of risk control/management is to eliminate the hazard, which in this
case is electricity. OS&H is the law and it is recommended that the welding machine be switched off every time the boilermaker
is not welding. This can become a tedious task for the operator especially if working in positions
above or below ground and distances from the machine.
For boilermakers who are exposed to the invisible electrical hazard on a daily basis, greater protection is required.
zRID, being the first patented technology worldwide, addresses this by providing a zero-volt OCV at the electrode holder.
This reduces the electric shock hazard when changing electrodes especially in welding Categories B and C (wet or confined spaces).
Accidental arc-ray flashes are present when welding on a daily basis where the welder unexpectedly
contacts the work piece or structure with the electrode.
With the zRID system installed the electrode is 'dead' by automatically de-energising the output of the welding machine when
not welding.
This hazard of not making the electrode 'dead' can cause temporary blindness to the welder or observer and
over time can lead to a loss of sight.
(Temporary blindness could result in secondary accidents such as trips, falls, or the live electrode hitting a flammable
area/pipe which could have a catastrophic effect.)
zRID protects the operator and the workplace when not welding.
zRID devices do not dictate the value or produce any full open circuit voltage (OCV), but are designed to
switch off existing OCV on welders. With a manual ON and automatic OFF, the zRID acts to make the machine
weld so; it's NOT working when you're not welding.
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